Disco 1 Tribute to Ray Charles
1 Hallelujah I Love Her So (Ray Charles)
2 Busted (H. Harlan)
3 Them Thats Got (Ray Charles)
4 You Don T Know Me (Cindy Walker / Eddy Arnold)
5 Hit The Road Jack (Mayfield .)
6 Margie (Mayfield .)
7 Georgia On My Mind (Carmichael)
8 What D I Say (Hill & Range)
Disco 2 Back to funk
1 Uptown Up
2 To Be Or Not To Be
3 Off The Hook
4 Advanced Funk
5 Shake Everything You Got
6 Pass The Peas
Maceo Parker Voz, saxo alto
Koji Paul Shigihara Guitarra
Heiner Wiberny, Karolina Strassmayer Saxo alto
Olivier Peters Saxo tenor
Paul Heller Saxo tenor
Marcus Barthelt Saxo barítono
Rob Bruynen, John Marshall, Klaus Osterloh, Andy Haderer, Wim Both trompetas
Bernt Laukamp, Ludwig Nuss, Dave Horler trombone
Mattis Cederberg bajo
Frank Chastenier Piano, organo
John Goldsby Guitarra acústica
Rodney Curtis Bajo, bajo eléctrico
Hans Dekker,
Dennis Chambers Batería
Editado en setiembre de 2010
1 cuota de $25.000 sin interés | CFT: 0,00% | TEA: 0,00% | Total $25.000 |
2 cuotas de $14.862,50 | Total $29.725 | |
3 cuotas de $10.229,17 | Total $30.687,50 | |
6 cuotas de $5.669,17 | Total $34.015 | |
9 cuotas de $4.216,39 | Total $37.947,50 | |
12 cuotas de $3.426,88 | Total $41.122,50 | |
24 cuotas de $2.500 | Total $60.000 |
3 cuotas de $10.652,50 | Total $31.957,50 | |
6 cuotas de $5.866,67 | Total $35.200 |
3 cuotas de $10.763,33 | Total $32.290 | |
6 cuotas de $5.908,75 | Total $35.452,50 | |
9 cuotas de $4.421,39 | Total $39.792,50 | |
12 cuotas de $3.621,04 | Total $43.452,50 |
18 cuotas de $2.783,75 | Total $50.107,50 |
3 cuotas de $8.333,33 sin interés | CFT: 0,00% | TEA: 0,00% | Total $25.000 |
1 cuota de $25.000 sin interés | CFT: 0,00% | TEA: 0,00% | Total $25.000 |
2 cuotas de $14.433,75 | Total $28.867,50 | |
3 cuotas de $9.842,50 | Total $29.527,50 | |
6 cuotas de $5.367,08 | Total $32.202,50 | |
9 cuotas de $3.877,50 | Total $34.897,50 | |
12 cuotas de $3.142,29 | Total $37.707,50 |